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Sergey Kireev joined Telko to lead industrial chemicals business in Russia

January 27, 2020 | Telko Ltd

Telko strengthens sales management of industrial chemicals business in Russia, the largest business unit of Telko. Sergey Kireev has joined Telko to lead the industrial chemicals business starting from 27 January 2020. Sergey is based in Telko's Moscow office.


Sergey has strong positive business record in chemicals distribution, experienced both in sales and supplier relations management, most recently as commercial director in Interdisp. 



Sergey Kireev




Welcome to Telko Team, Sergey!









Telko Ltd

Telko Ltd

Telko is a leading distributor and solution provider for converters and brand owners looking to safeguard their business with future-proof plastics, chemicals or lubricant solutions. By using industry-leading expertise, strong partnerships and renowned service capabilities to dramatically improve our customers' production lead times, material efficiency, and financial and environmental performance.

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