In 2023, we received a score of 69 (67) and thus a silver medal in the EcoVadis ranking. With the overall score, we belong to the top 4% of companies rated in our industry.
We use the EcoVadis sustainability assessment as an objective metric for our sustainability development. In 2023, we improved our EcoVadis score, but we were not able to keep the gold medal as the score limits were raised.
In 2023, we received a score of 69 (67) and thus a silver medal in the EcoVadis ranking. With the overall score, we belong to the top 4% of companies rated in our industry.
Our Scope 1 emissions consist solely of the fuel use in few Telko owned transport vehicles. In 2023, the amount of CO2 emissions originating from these vehicles was 0,377 tCO2e/MEUR net sales (0,10 tCO2 e/MEUR net sales in 2022).
Our Scope 2 emissions come from the purchased energy for our offices and own warehouses. In 2023, our scope 2 emissions compared to net sales were 0,77 tCO2e/MEUR net sales (0,82 tCO2 e/MEUR net sales in 2022).
Our operations generated raw material waste 0,16 tons/ MEUR in proportion to net sales in 2023 (0,26 tons/MEUR net sales in 2022). The waste was generated in countries that are included in the graphic. Our other operating countries did not send product waste for destruction during the reported years.
In 2023, our sustainable plastics sales increased again from the previous year. Out of all plastics sales, the share of bio plastics and recycled plastics was 2,7%. Quantitatively, we are still in the early stages, but the direction is very encouraging.
In 2023, we started to build a better safety culture for the company. For example, we established a routine of starting meetings with safety issues, defined what personal protective equipment our employees need in their work and bought the missing equipment. We achieved 87% of our 2023 target of two safety walks at each of our own sites and subcontractor warehouses.
To further develop our operations, we measure how well we are serving our customers. In 2023, our customer Net Promoter Score (NPS) was 60 (65 in 2022).
As in the previous year, 100 % of our employees completed the Code of Conduct training and Compliance training in 2023.
Our anonymous whistleblowing process makes sure that all concerned know how to report any suspected violations of our compliance policy. In 2023, there were 4 cases reported (8 in 2022). All the cases were investigated thoroughly.
From 2023, we will publish our sustainability information on this website and our key sustainability data will be included in the Aspo Plc’s Annual Report. Our sustainability reports 2018-2022 can be found in the Downloads section of this website.